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Luen Fung Silicone Rubber Mfg Co.We’re here to help you! Please fill out the form to request a quote and one of our staff members will contact you shortly. TEL: 852-2764-7712 Fax: 852-2333-5979 Email: info@silicone.com.hk Business hours: Monday to Friday (9AM – 5PM) HK Office: Rm 1204, Heng Ngai Jewelry Center, 4 HoK Yuen St., East Hong Kong China Factory: 3/F Block 2., Zhung Hwa Jituan, 26 Toung Le, Long Gang, Shenzhen, China SEND US AN EMAILFeel to send us an email and we will reply to you as soon as possible. Kontaktformular Notify VornameLast NameE-Mail-AdresseTelefonnummerCompanyMessage I agree to allow this website to store the information I submit so that they can respond to my inquiry. I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy PolicyAbsenden